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How loud is the portable generator?

Posted by Tobias Sommer on Dec 12th 2023

How loud is this generator going to be?

So the age old question is “How loud is this generator going to be?”

We made a video to help demonstrate the differences in the different types of units and some uses for each one. The answer is somewhat simple but yet somewhat complicated. What is loud to me is not always what loud will be for you. It’s a perspective or opinion. So that is the hard part the easy part is if you need a lot of horsepower than you can bet that it’s probably loud. Just like old muscle cars, HP comes with loud less restricted engines. The smaller inverter units can power small stuff and mostly top out at a 120 volt 30 amp plug. Good for smaller RV and camping needs but not what you need for a small construction site.

Try to get an idea of what you are trying to run at maximum. Then add 30 percent more because you cant load 100% load all the time. Then consider you may have forgotten something then you will have the size you need. If you need a lot of power its safe to say you will need a louder generator. Another thing to remember is that if you are looking for a quiet generator, it may come at higher price. To get a generator to be quiet it cost money for the electronics and engine technology. Raw power is easy in a combustion engine its making power in a quiet way that is the trick. So cheap, quality, and powerful doesn’t come in a box all together. Two of them can be accomplished but don’t expect it to be cheap and quiet.